
9:00 PM

I really love feeling like a kid, and this pack excels at that. I have never tried to boomerang before and this is easy enough to throw. I haven't quite figured out how to make it come back yet. Maybe I need a larger space? Maybe I throw like a girl?(I probably throw weaker) Either way it's gotten me outdoors and away from screens and things so for that it's excellent for anyone trying to get out of the house and getting some fresh air. It came with a fun slingshot that actually works pretty well. The slingshot is not ergonomic at all so extended use isn't super comfy but it's fun to mess around with for awhile. I have a hard time with limiting stars to 1 2 3 4 or 5. I would probably rate this a 4.3. It's more fun than just "I like it" but not so much that " I love it"

I received this item free or at a discount in exchange for my review

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