Guitar Tuner

12:49 PM

This tuner is fantastic! I normally don't like clamps but the length of the cord for this one makes it extremely easy to use, but not long enough to get tangled and annoying. The clamp I placed on the head of my guitar and it read perfectly. The reading is very precise and when you use the guitar function it actually tells you which string and the string number you are playing. The Tuner also worked great for my wife's violin. The batteries are included with this device which is always appreciated. There is a little metal stand option which I didn't need but I thought it was a nice touch. The metronome is also a nice feature, though it doesn't get extremely loud (for piano) but I could hear playing my acoustic just fine. It also lights up the LED's when the metronome hits a downbeat so you can tell where you should be which was a nice touch. Overall very impressed with this device and I have replaced my other tuner that I have had since high school.

*I received this item free or at a discount in exchange for my opinion

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